Ever wonder if there is a tantrum button inside your kids that is remote-activated by the telephone? I call it "The Phone Button."
Let me explain...
I usually make any phone calls that I need to make first thing in the morning. That way, I get it out of the way and can mark it off my to-do list. However, it seems that there is this "button" inside my kids that is immediately activated by the phone. Every time I pick it up, they automatically start misbehaving.
Scenario: It's early in the morning. My older girls have left for school. My 2 younger children are fed and watching Sesame Street. I have read my daily devotional. The house is peaceful and quiet, other than the sound of Elmo singing something to the tune of "Jingle Bells" on the television. It is the perfect opportunity for me to make a phone call. I pick up the phone and dial.
"Hello," says the person on the other end of the phone.
"Hey, it's Melanie. How are you?"
"I'm great. What's up?"
"Not much. I was just calling to talk to you about something important," I say.
From the living room, World War III begins. Was it because I picked up the phone? Was it the sound of my voice talking to someone other than them? No, it was that hidden tantrum button inside each of their little bodies and it was just activated by the phone. What happened to the peaceful room I just walked out of? What happened to the cheerful sounds of Elmo? What is a mom to do?
I continue my conversation, with screaming kids in the background, killing each other over some toy that neither one of them ever plays with. Except now, it's the most popular toy in the house.
In comes the baby. He falls on the floor right next to me, screaming at a pitch that can cause a person to go deaf. I pick him up, still talking on the phone and unable to hear a single word that the person is saying, and I carry him back to the living room. As I walk back to kitchen, he follows me, screaming at an even higher pitch than the last one.
"Just a second," I say to the person on the other end, "I need to put the phone down and handle this."
"No problem. Take your time," says my understanding friend.
I put the phone down and beat my kids. Just kidding. Actually, I walk into the living room and very calmly tell them that they will both be in trouble if they don't stop screaming while I'm on the phone. Sometimes, I have to send one of them to their room. Then, after getting everyone under control, I return to the phone.
"Sorry about that," I say.
"You handled that well," says my supportive friend. And we continue our conversation.
I wish I could tell you that it ends there. I wish I could tell you that there is no more fighting from the living room. Unfortunately, the tantrum button does not deactivate until the phone is back on the receiver.
From the living room, the screaming and fighting begins almost immediately after I begin talking with my friend again. This time, I give up trying to carry on a conversation and I let the person go.
"I'm so sorry. I'll have to call you back when they are napping."
"That's fine. I'll be here," says my wonderful friend, "Bye."
Without fail, the screaming and fighting ceases the very minute I say goodbye. As I walk into the living room, they give me that satisfied look as if to say, "we got our way."
I wish that was the end of it. But now I have to punish them for their behavior and remind them of the rule to be quiet while I'm on the phone.
Will it work? I'm not sure. If I could only find that hidden button and remove it. Until then, please be patient with me if you are the person on the other end if the phone. After all, your kids might have the same button...
1 comment:
LOL ....so true!!!!!
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